1. Banning drivers from turning left from Renfrew Road into Kennington Lane would prevent rat-running in the Westminster to Walworth direction. Drivers can turn left from Kennington Road onto Kennington Lane, so it wouldn't add hugely to journey time.
People driving from Walworth can use either of the two routes below to access Kennington Road and bordering streets. TfL could also be asked to reinstate the right turn from Kennington Lane to Kennington Road.
2. Kennington Lane could have a No-Entry, just as Chester Way and Denny Street already have, or could have a No Right Turn from Kennington Lane.
A No Left Turn from Kennington Road into Wincott Street would stop drivers entering from Walnut Tree Walk and higher up Kennington Road. It would still allow traffic cutting through via Fitzalan Street, but a No Left Turn there would prevent this (and reduce the volume of traffic passing the entrance to Walnut Tree Walk School).
Drivers could still turn left from Black Prince Road into Kennington Road and right into Wincott Street, but there are unlikely to be many of these (especially given that currently they can turn right into Chester Way which is likely to be easier)
Perhaps extreme calming (homestreeting)might prove as effective and improve the streets themselves?